Ian Cooper from Sheffield with Ticket Number 1861 Wins Lambretta GP Rotax 290 Powervalve – 42 BHP – Monday 10th February
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Winner is: wolfshead53
Ticket number: 1861Ian Cooper from Sheffield
About This Competition
Steve Holt has done the business for us again with our third Lambretta Rotax conversion.
This time it is based on a Lambretta GP 125, finished in his now familiar street racer theme in a Turquoise with black and white detailing.
As always the star of the show here is the engine, built into a set of Granturismo casings a Rotax 290cc power valve cylinder has been crafted onto the block, running a 34mm Dellorto carb, Li 150 gearbox, Python clutch, variatronic ignition and torque monster crank.